Welcome to Year 5

Thank you for stopping by!   Here we will post all the important information you need during the year ahead. 

Notes from our Meet and Greet Meeting in September 2023

Updated: 03/11/2023 1.30 MB

Year 5 Group Newsletters 2023-2024

Updated: 03/11/2023 727 KB

What we are learning

Here is our curriculum for this year


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Art and design

 Flora and Fauna

In this unit pupils will build on their observational drawing skills and further develop their knowledge of layering and texture in the drawings and paintings they create. Pupils will improve the accuracy of their observational drawing and learn different techniques of drawing like network and continuous drawing.


Henry Moore and the Human Form

In this unit children will build on their drawing skills with a focus on proportion and the human form. They will explore the work of Henry Moore and use this to influence their own Blitz artwork.


Still Life

In this unit pupils are introduced to the genre of still life as an old art form and also one which is still enjoyed by many contemporary artists. Pupils will revisit and develop their drawing (and looking) skills using observational drawing of physical objects, and then go on to explore composition and create their own still life.



How to be a Good Digital Citizen

Computing Systems – systems and searching


Programming using Scratch 3


Power point

 - physical computing


Video Editing

Design Technology



Celebrating culture and seasonality

Make a selection of Food from around the world developing and homing their food technology skills.


Structures - Frame structures

Children will design and make a frame structure model to replicate the homes.




Textiles Combining different fabric shapes – WW2 Utility Belt

Children will look at utility belts from WW2 era and design and make their own utility belt for use on a residential. They should also add some simple decorative features to personalise it.


Energy and Sustainability

What is sustainability? - How do we produce energy? - What is special about Curitiba (Brazil)? - What is special about Freiburg (Germany)? - How can countries achieve energy security (What does the future hold)?

Climates / Biomes

Biomes and Ecosystems - Ecosystem influences - Tundra, Taiga and Savanna - Threats to Biomes



Children look at the development of slums and what life is like in slums. They look at the challenges that people face living in them. They look at two contrasting localities and how life is different for people in each.  






The Middle East

Children look at why the Middle East is important to different religions. They look at the Ottoman Empire and look at the effect of Arab-Israeli War.


Conflict in the 20th Century

Children begin by looking at the causes of the First World War.  They look at why so many lives were lost on the Western Front and look at the treaty of Versailles. They move on to study Hitler’s rise to power and discover what live was like in Nazi Germany. Finally they consider if WW2 was inevitable?


Livin’ on a Prayer

Children continue their exploration of Rock Music.


Classroom Jazz 1

Children explore a three note Bossa and a Five Note Swing Song. They compose, Improvise and sing.

Make You Feel My Love

All the learning is focused around one song: Make You Feel My Love. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, elements of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), singing and playing instruments are all linked.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Children explore Hip Hop music. They sing, compose and respond to their listening.

Dancing in the Street

Children explore Martha and the Vandles song. They compose using four notes and explore pitch, rhythm.

Reflect, Rewind, and Replay

This Unit of Work consolidates the learning that has occurred during the year. All the learning is focused around revisiting songs and musical activities, a context for the History of Music and the beginnings of the Language of Music.















Religious Education

Buddha’s teachings Key Question: Is it possible for everyone to be happy? Religion: Christianity



Concept: Incarnation Key Question: Is the Christmas story true? Religion: Christianity

Prayer and Worship Key Question: Question: How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? Religion: Hinduism


Concept: Salvation Key Question: How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die? Religion: Christianity

Prayer and Worship: Key Question:

What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God

Religion: Islam


Beliefs and Practices: Key Question: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God? Religion: Christianity


Phonetics 1, 2 & 3 and selection of Core Vocabulary lessons – classroom commands



Presenting Myself





Me and my relationships

Children will study the meaning of collaboration and skills this requires. They will explore how they learn skills to give and take in relationships.

Children will explore the qualities required to be a good. They will be able to describe attributes of those they have relationships with and why they are important. Children will understand why we have to be assertive and resilient discussing their own and others emotional needs.

Valuing difference

Children will learn Qualities of friendship and how Kind conversations are important when valuing the differences we have with others. They will discuss why they are happy being themselves.

Children will learn about land of the Red People

And debate if it true?

We will explore why difference is to be celebrated and how it is celebrated in different ways around the globe.


Keeping myself safe

Children will understand what types of habits are healthy and unhealthy. They will explore how we can change habits and break cycles.

Children will explore a dilemma and discuss morals and why it can be hard to do the right thing at times. Children will explain the different forms of bullying and recognise how they can help themselves or someone else who is being bullied.

Children will know the effects of smoking and that tobacco is addictive.

Rights and responsibilities

Children will learn that there is a difference between fact and an opinion. They will explore how opinions between people and groups may differ however we have a responsibility to respect others. Children will know their own rights, responsibilities and duties as global citizens. They will explore the role of local councils.

Children will explore the ways they as individuals can make a difference to the lives of others.

Children will explore finance education and spending wisely.

Being my best

Children will learn about fitness and how this keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. The will recognise how they may make lifestyle changes and choices to improve their own wellbeing.

Children will revisit school community and explain ways that a school community has responsibility to care for the environment and all those that belong to it,

Children will consider their own independence and responsibility. They will describe the ways that they are preparing for adulthood.

Changing and growing

Children will explore how their feelings may change and develop as they grown and their bodies begin to change. They will explore both physical and mental changes that occur throughout puberty in both boys and girls.

Children will learn where to get support and how to ask appropriate questions about the changes they begin to experience as hormones begin to change their bodies.



Earth and Space

Children describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. They describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth and describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies. They learn to use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.


Properties and Changes of Materials Material World focus this term on properties

Children explore, compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets. (this topic will cross over with the next topic)

Properties and Changes of Materials focus this term on changes

Children learn that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution. They use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated. They demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes. Finally they explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.


Children learn to explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. They identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces and they recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.

Living Things

Children learn to describe the difference in the life cycle of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.  They then look at the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.


Animals, Including Humans

Children look at how humans changes as they develop and then grow into old age.