Welcome to Year 3

Thank you for stopping by!   Here we will post all the important information you need during the year ahead. 

Notes from our Meet and Greet Meeting in September 2023

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Year 3 Group Newsletters 2023-2024

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What we are learning

Here is our curriculum for this year


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Art and design

Drawing and Painting

Children will use ‘The Lion Man’ sculpture and other early sculptures as inspiration for bservational drawing. They will learn about the range of H and B pencils and how they are used to produce tonal drawings and shade and will understand how early artists simplified what they saw and use this technique to develop their own stone age images.



Textile Collages

Children explore the contemporary quilting artist Sandra Goldsborough and Alice Kettle  They will explore basic techniques such as stitching, gathering and shaping to help them design and create their own textile collage of a land or seascape.



Drawing and sculpture

Children will will learn how to give a drawn object form to make it look like it is solid and learn how to create tone using different pencils. They will learn how to use line to create contrast and patternsand will learn the basics of making a pinch pot with clay.



Digital Literacy

Children will explore how to create safe passwords online, observe copyright, share safely online and identify how to stay safe online.

Computing Systems

Children explore computing systems via connecting computers.




Children explore Scratch by designing an algorithm to move a sprite by testing and refining coding.

Audio Editing

Children will record their voices and then import and align sound effects to create layers in their recordings. They will learn how to save their work so it remains editable. They will then plan their own podcast

Flat File Databases

Children learn to explore flat file databases and how to import data as new lines.

Desktop Publishing

Children will develop an understanding of how to use a laptop to design a booklet focusing on layout.

Design Technology


Levers and Linkages

Children explore  levers and linkages to make pictures or book pages about the stone age, where moving one lever causes 2 or more things to move/ interact.


Textiles 2-D shape to 3-D product

Children create a 3d textile model of a volcano or mountain and add detail with stitching and/or applique.

Food Healthy and varied diet

Children continue to develop their food technology skills by using heat sources to prepare and cook savoury snacks.




Villages, Towns and Cities

Children build on their locational and settlement knowledge. They look at population and how settlements differ across the world.

Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Children explore the structure of the Earth. They learn about Mountain, Volcano and Earthquake formation.  They finally consider the impacts of a volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes,

Water, Weather and Climate

Children learn about the water cycle and where water comes from? They study what makes up the weather, why we have seasons and consider why is the world’s weather changing?



Changes in Britain since the Stone Age to Iron Age

Children explore the evolution of humans,

humans arrival in Britain and the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic Neolithic era.  They finish the topic by looking at the discovery of metal.




Shang Dynasty

Children explore the archaeological evidence of the Shang Dynasty, and use this to look at the rise and fall of the Shang Dynasty. The topic finishes by looking at the importance of General Fu Hao.


Ancient Greece

Children explore the Golden Age of Ancient Greece and how Greece was organised. They look at the Ancient Greek beliefs and the work of the Ancient Greek philosophers.


First Access Guitars and violins


First Access Guitars and violins


First Access Guitars and violins




Please see our curriculum page for Swimming


Fundamentals/Hockey: Children explore small-sided and modified competitive striking/fielding and invasion games. They use simple tactics and apply simple rules and conventions.  They develop this knowledge  into making up small-sided games and playing games in pairs/small groups.


Balances and rolls: Children link travel and balance actions into short movement phrases. They explore travel actions following different balances and incorporate rolls - linking them into arm pattern phrases.


Tennis/Basketball: Children explore small-sided and modified competitive net, striking/fielding and invasion games; They improve their skills in traveling, chasing, hitting, dodging and attack.


Super Heroes: Children make own dances with clear beginning/ middle/end. They develop an understanding of different dance elements; control, co-ordination, poise, elevation; using simple compositional ideas.

involving hand apparatus into movement.




Challenges Children copy, repeat and evaluate simple athletic skills and actions showing control and co-ordination. They improve skills of running, jumping and

throwing. They give reasons for why warming up in athletics is important and athletic activities are good for your health.


Cricket/Football Children explore small-sided and modified competitive striking/fielding and invasion games; They improve their skills in traveling, chasing, dodging and attack.

Outdoor and Adventurous

Co-operation, Communication and Consideration Children complete a number of problem solving tasks, to allow them to develop the 3 Cs of team work; Co-operation, Communication and Consideration.

Religious Education

Jesus’ Miracles

Children will explore the question- Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation? Within Christianity


Children will explore the question- Has Christmas lost its true meaning? Within Christianity.


Children will explore the question - Would celebrating Divali at home and in the community bring a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child? Within  Hinduism

Easter – Forgiveness

Children will explore the question - What is ‘good’ about Good Friday? Within Christianity

The Qur’an

Children will explore the question - How does the Qu’ran influence Muslims today? Within islam

Hindu Beliefs

Children will explore the question- How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? Within Hinduism.


Greetings and animals

Children will explore and respond to simple classroom commands; use spoken French to meet and greet others; to begin to recognise simple animal names through songs.

Numbers and colours

Children explore set phrases to talk about themselves and ask others for simple personal information; They will learn the numbers up to 10 and words for simple colours.

Transport and sea creatures

Children will use set phrases to talk about different modes of transport and recognise names of some sea creatures. They will begin to use correct intonation in speaking activities


Me and my relationships

Children will explore strategies to maintain positive relationships

Children will learn about consequences of breaking rules. The will describe emotions they may have if they lost something important to them. Children will know they can express their own opinions and should value opinions of others.

Valuing difference

Children will explore the different types of families we may have. They will know the meaning of the term adoption, fostering and same-sex relationships.

Children will identify the different communities that they belong to and celebrate difference between a diverse range of people from varying national, regional, ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Keeping myself safe

Children will learn what the terms ‘danger and risk’ mean and identify the difference between them. They will learn ways to manage risk. Children will study the risks online and ways they can protect themselves. They will learn how to keep their information secure. Children will learn that medicines are drugs and can be helpful or harmful.

Rights and responsibilities

Children will know what skills they need to develop when ‘growing up’. They will identify way in which people may volunteer in the local community. They will learn the difference between facts and opinion and respect viewpoints from others. Children will learn about ‘income’ and share aspirations.

Being my best

Children will identify the benefits of having a balanced diet. They will give examples of healthy diets. They will learn how infectious diseases can be spread. They will learn the importance of hygiene routines and know illness may or may not be treated with medication. Children will develop skills in discussion and debate. Children will learn strategies to support their own mental health.

Growing and changing

Children will learn to identify different types of relationships we may have as we grow. They will know what is meant by the terms personal and body space. Children will define the term secret and surprise and know the differences between which are safe and unsafe. They will learn that babies come from the joining of an egg and sperm and this can occur in different ways. They will study the process of menstruation.



Children learn that that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They observe that light is reflected from surfaces. They recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. Children move on to look at how shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Forces and Magnets

Children compare how things move on different surfaces and observe that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. They observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others They predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing.

Rocks and Soils,

Children will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. They learn how fossils are formed and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.


Children identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants and look at what plants need for life and to growth. They investigate the way in which water are transported within plants and explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants.

Animals including humans – nutrition, skeletons & muscles

Children identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food, They explore how animals get nutrition from what they eat.  They identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.