Welcome to Year 2

Thank you for stopping by!   Here we will post all the important information you need during the year ahead. 

Notes from our Meet and Greet Meeting in September 2023

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Year 2 Group Newsletters 2023-2024

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What we are learning

Here is our curriculum for this year:


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Art and design

Painting  - Colour theory.

Painting with shades, tones and tints

ARTISTS- Piet Mondrian, Vincent Van Gogh

Yves Saint Laurent


Explore and draw

Artists are collectors! Looking at the techniques of

Shelley Perkins- RSPB, BBC and National Trust illustrator




Children will explore colour pattern and Aboriginal art  Printing

Simple prints and Monoprints



E-safety: True or False?

Children learn what  personal information is and how to keep it safe online. 

Digital Photographs

Children learn about consent and how to take and manipulate photographs in different ways.

Programming a Robot

Children use Beebots to create a series of instructions predicting and programming their outcomes. 

Technology in the World

Children can identify technology and information technology in the ever changing world around them.

Branching Databases

Children will ask questions to sort a set of data effectively.


Programming quizzes – Beginning scratch

Children build upon their coding skills to predict and program computer animations.

Design Technology


Wheels and Axles

Children design and make a moon buggy using a wooden frame chassis as the base and at least two axles. The wheels or axles can be fixed or free.


Sliders and Levers

Children will design and make pages for a class book about Australia. Each page must have at least one moving element on it using a slider or some form of lever and pivot mechanism.


Super Salads

Children research, design and make a salad based on their prior knowledge of healthy living.




Deadly 60

Children expand their knowledge of scale understanding where Whitehaven, Carlisle, UK fit in the world.  They explore the continents and oceans in the context of dangerous animals.  

Frozen Planet

Children will develop their geographical knowledge of the Polar region of Antarctica focusing on Shackleton’s 1914–17 Endurance Expedition. 

Australian Adventures

Children will develop their geographical knowledge of Australia on a world map and globe. and explore Australia’s location in relation to its surrounding countries, continents and oceans.


Great Fire of London

Children explore, recognise and appreciate the history of this significant event that impacted the UK nationally.  They examine remains of the past and consider why they should be preserved.


Space Invaders

Children explore the Moon Landings and Neil Armstrong. They identify a historical global event and explain why this is significant and the impact on lives, past and present (significance).







Hands Feet Heart

Children explore pulse and rhythm through African Music

Ho, Ho , Ho

Children use Christmas music as a backdrop to improvise to.

I wanna play in a band

Children explore rock music and learn how to play in an ensemble.

Zoo time

Children continue to develop their understanding of rhythm, pulse, singing through reggae.

Friendship Song

Children use a friendship song as a stimulus to find a pulse, recognise and name instruments, clap simple rhythms and compose their own friendship song.

Reflect, rewind and replay

Children explore music over time playing music they have listened to over the year and thinking about when they were first composed.







Fundamentals Refine the skills of running successfully, changing directions on the move, balancing, jumping, hopping and skipping.


Pupils develop basic jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling techniques on the floor and using apparatus.



This unit covers different themes and explores how the body can be used to express mood and characters.

Target Games

Pupils develop skills in throwing, rolling and striking towards a target in order to score and play by the rules.


Pupils develop skills such a running at different speeds, jumping and throwing as well as assessing their individual strengths.  


Pupils develop their defending and attacking balls skills using hands and feet to score points and play by the rules.


Net & Wall develop key skills including ready position to defend and strategies to maximise chances of scoring.

Ball Skills

Pupils develop their fundamental balls skills in throwing, catching, rolling, target hitting and dribbling with bit hands and feet. 



Pupils learn about mindfulness and body awareness through meditation and breathing techniques.

Sending & Receiving

Using a range of different balls, pupils develop skills in throwing, catching, rolling, kicking and tracking balls and apply in a variety of game situations.

Team Building

Pupils develop communication and problem solving skills both individually and as part of a team reflecting on ideas and strategies.


Striking & Fielding

Pupils develop throwing, catching and striking skills along with developing the ability to self-manage (referee) small sided games.

Religious Education

What did Jesus teach? Key Question: Is it possible to be kind to everyone all of the time? Religion: Christianity

Christmas - Jesus as gift from God Concept: Incarnation Key Question: Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world? Religion: Christianity

Hajj Key Question: Does completing Hajj make a person a better Muslim? Religion: Islam





Easter - Resurrection Concept: Salvation Key Question: How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after His crucifixion? Religion: Christianity






The 99 names of Allah

Key question: How special is Allah to Muslims?

Religion: Islam



Prophet Muhammad

Key Question:

How important is Prophet Muhammad to Muslims?

Religion: Islam


Me and my relationships

Children learn the school rules about bullying and can give examples of what is teasing. Children know the qualities of a good friend. They learn about feeling and self-regulation.

Valuing difference

Children will learn ways they can help others. They will explore kindness and how they can demonstrate this towards others. Children will know how important it is to listen actively to others and respect their ideas.

Keeping myself safe

Children will be able to tell the difference between safe and unsafe secrets. They will learn about appropriate touch and keeping their private places private. Children will know that medicines can be used to make people feel better.

Rights and responsibility

Children will learn about co-operation and how to get on with others. They will learn about money and spending it on essential and non- essential items. They will explore ways to save up.

Being my best

Children will explore their own learning strategies and know how to independently locate help. Children will discuss why wellbeing and a positive can do attitude lead to success. They will know about healthy choices.

Growing and changing

Children will learn how to give positive feedback to others. They will understand ‘privacy’ and their entitlement to this. They will learn that humans have genitals that are for reproduction.


Animals including humans

Children learn that animals and humans have offspring. They find out about animals basic needs for survival. They also look at the importance of exercise for humans.

Uses of everyday materials

Children identify and compare the suitability of everyday materials. They find out how the shapes of solid objects can be changed.

Uses of everyday materials cont.


Living things and their habitats – habitats; Children explore and compare the differences between habitats and look at the basic needs of different kinds of animals. This includes micro-habitats. They learn about simple food chains.

Plants – seeds and bulbs, needs of a plant

Children observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They learn about how to keep plants healthy.


Working Scientifically  – investigations throughout every topic