Welcome to Year 1
Thank you for stopping by! Here we will post all the important information you need during the year ahead.
Notes from our Meet and Greet Meeting in September 2023
Year 1 Group Newsletters 2023-2024
What we are learning
Here is our curriculum for this year:
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Art and design |
Self Portraits Children will develop their drawing and colouring skills through a series of self-portraits, using mirrors to draw from observation.
Spring inspired painting Children select and shape suitable materials to create a desired finished artefact |
Tell me a dragon Children use clay and acrylic paint to create a 3D dragon eye |
Computing |
Online Safety |
Digital Painting Explore and use the paint app to create illustrations |
Moving a Robot Explore control, directional language and programming |
Technology around us Exploring how the web works and that we are all connected via access to the internet |
Grouping Data |
Young investigators Explore how to search on the internet and develop basic web skills |
Design Technology |
Templates and joining techniques Children explore and learn the first steps of joining fabric through sewing. |
Preparing Fruit and Vegetables Children will learn basic food preparation techniques to prepare food for a fruit salad. |
Free-standing structures Children will design, make and evaluate an enclosure for a knight to trap a dragon. They will learn about how to combine techniques and materials |
Geography |
Who Am I They investigate their local area, their natural - physical, managed and constructed human features, and the activities located in them |
The UK The topic places Whitehaven their local town in the context of the wider UK naming and identifying the key characteristics of the four countries. The sequence covers the UK and the surrounding seas. |
Food Glorious Food This topic provides a study of food and farming within the context of the children’s own locality. Children develop their understanding of towns /cities and urban/rural. |
Dangerous Dragons This topic provides a study that widens children’s geographical context to a contrasting locality in Cumbria – Carlisle. Children will be given opportunities to use maps to locate castles across the county and find castles near to them. |
History |
Who Am I Children study of the recent past, the present and the near future within the context of our children’s own world. Children are given opportunities to explore how changes occur over time in relation to themselves, their own families, and the places they and others belong to. |
Dangerous Dragons Through history, children explore the origin of Carlisle Castle in time by placing Kings and Queens on a timeline. This develops the sense of chronology and that Carlisle castle was a long time ago. Children formulate simple questions to explore though the topic. |
Music |
Hey You! Exploring how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together |
Rhythm in the way we walk and Banana Rap Exploring pulse, rhythm and pitch, rapping, dancing and singing |
In the Groove Exploring different styles of music |
Round and Round Exploring Pulse, rhythm and pitch in different styles of music. |
Your Imagination Using our imaginations to explore and create music. |
Reflect, rewind, replay. Exploring the history of music, look back and consolidate your learning, learn some of the language of music |
PE |
Fundamentals and net and wall |
Gymnastics and ball skills |
Dance And yoga
Target games and sending and receiving
Athletics and team building |
Invasion games And Striking and fielding |
Religious Education |
Creation story We are learning to re-tell the Christian Creation story and to explore how this influences how Christians behave towards nature and the environment. |
Christmas We are learning to reflect on the Christmas story and decide what gifts would be meaningful for Jesus. |
Jesus as a friend We are learning to identify when it is easy and difficult to show friendship and to explore when Jesus may have found it difficult. |
Easter – Palm Sunday We are learning to know that Jesus is special to Christians and how His welcome on Palm Sunday shows this. |
Shabbat We are learning to empathise with Jewish children by understanding what they do during Shabbat and why it is important to them. |
What does it mean to belong to a faith community? Children learn about belonging and how religious people show they belong to their faith community. They will learn about ways babies are welcomed in religions and the promises made at weddings. They will think about their own network of belonging and how we all belong to someone |
P.H.S.E |
Me and my relationships Children create and understand why classroom rules are important. They recognise and can express their feelings. Children know how to access help. Valuing difference Children recognise and celebrate differences between themselves and others. Children develop tolerance and recognise what is fair and unfair.
Keeping myself safe Children learn that our feelings as there to help keep us safe. They can explain ways to keep themselves healthy and know medicine must be prescribed by a Dr. Rights and responsibilities Children can describe their own responsibilities and know how to look after things that belong to them and others. Children will learn how to care for the school environment.
Being my best Children will develop a growth mind-set and know how to respond positively to feedback. They will know how their behaviour affects others around them. Growing and changing Children will learn about different things we need as we change and grow. They will learn the names of major internal body parts. Children understand what bullying is and know what to do if witnessed or experienced.
Science |
Seasonal Change Children observe changes across the four seasons and observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. Animals including Humans: Part 1: Animals; Part 2: Me and My Body Children identify, name, describe and compare a variety of common animals. They also identify, name, draw and label basic parts of the human body and learn about their senses. |
Seasonal Change
Plants Children identify, name, and describe a variety of common wild and garden plants and trees |
Seasonal Change
Everyday Materials Children distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. They name and identify a range of materials and their properties |